Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2013? What happened to 2012? Geez, when people talk about the 90's, I still feel like it was only a few years ago, but then I realized it's been 13 years since it's been anywhere even close to being the 90's! Like 1997 when Princess Diana and Mother Theresa died...and when the Twin towers fell on 9/11/01, those all feel like events that just happened yesterday. But we have come so far since then...we are in the era of Justin Bieber and Jersey Shore. Yuck. What has happened to the world? Where are those quality TV shows and where have all the goodness in the world gone? I swear every time I start blogging, I have this really clear vision of what I want to write/talk about and the tone I want my blog to convey but every time I start typing, it almost always never heads in that direction! I start ranting on about other things that I didn't even perceive myself investing time to even think about and here I am... rambling on again...and I digress...

I don't know what a normal person feels like when the new year comes...I know it seems like my parents are really happy about it and everyone seems to think it's a GREAT time of the year. There seems to be a general consensus to be happy as you ring in the new year...but I always feel SAD. I feel sad because I realize another year has past. I feel sad because I know I'm going to be another year older. I feel sad because I just realized that a whole another year has past me by and yet I have nothing to show for it. When I try to recap 2012, can I honestly say I didn't anything great this year? maybe I graduated this year and started a residency. But that's pretty much it. Aside from reaching stepping stones in my career, I really have nothing else to show for 2012.

Well, let's count down the categories, career/school...I guess I got that one in the bag, so check. Family...hmm...I don't know if I feel any better or worse about my family let's just say it's a draw. Friends....hmm...the only thing I can really think of is I'm really happy that my friend survived chemo and radiation; I'm so proud of her and I continue to look up to how brave and strong she is every day! I'm happy for my other friend for landing a boyfriend she really likes. I wish the best of luck for my other friend whose applying for residencies right now and hope she gets a good location where she can flourish and become a great doctor! Ok, moving on.....the bane of my love life. *two thumbs down* It doesn't surprise me that I had yet another horrible year in this category. I don't even know what's going on in this department...but more on this later (please refer to the "Failure" section of this blog entry). In conclusion, New Years always makes me sad.

I should actually label this section "The BIGGEST failure" because I truly feel like one! I joined a dating website when I started my residency because my co-resident convinced me to. It's been maybe 5-6 months now. I still very much have nothing to show from participating from this dating website experience expect maybe date after date of declining quality of men and "worst date ever" stories to share with my friends. Then a few months later, I was convinced by my friend to join a dating service. No high hopes here either...very similar story to the dating website fiasco. And finally, my friend, as a Christmas present has signed me up for At which I'm getting 30+ emails a day from this website notifying me guys that "wink" at me, "like" my photo, added me to their "favorites" (almost like adding me to their shopping cart), "emailing" me and etc etc etc. I'm getting overwhelmed from this website! It's like a second job deleting these emails, let alone trying to find time to go through the emails!

I don't know what's going on with me, but I've got to be the biggest dating failure in history. How can two dating websites AND a dating service not find me anyone to my liking?? You always hear about all those super lucky people that find their soul mate through friends or meeting up with the FIRST person they contact on the dating websites...and you think it can be you too...but NO, that's not the case if you are me. I'm either the pickiest person in the world or I need better filters for guys I chose to go out on a date with. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe I'm just not meant to find someone and get married. I should be a nun and devote my life to celibacy. Oh...that's not going to work, I'm not religious. Ba humbug! Ok, I will think about this conundrum and reconvene with an answer another time.

In the meantime...I hope I'm making someone feel less pathetic that they don't have to be on TWO dating websites and a dating service....and yet still be single. I'm glad I can still make fun of myself and laugh about this right now...I'm pretty sure it's just because this is still relatively NEW, but I'm sure in a few more months, I won't be laughing any more...because it's going to be more of pathetic and less funny as more time passes.

Yelp Elite 2013:
I didn't even notice but my friend pointed it out to me today that I got my new Yelp Elite 2013 badge! Yay me!!! Another year of food, yelp reviews and even more food! Cheers to that one!

Hippocratic Crush:
I get soooooooo absorbed when I start watching soaps. It's pretty much ridiculous. It consumes my life until I finish it! I started watching the HK soap "Hippocratic Crush" a few days ago. And pretty much that's ALL I've done for the last few days. I've had it on non-stop watching episode after episode! Even my mom got super engrossed in it! I only stopped watching it sleep! I would eat while I'm watching it and then just keep sitting there and watching it. I pretty much only paused the soap for 4 minuets to watch the countdown on New Years Eve and then resumed the soap right after the countdown.  I know, I'm obsessed! But can you blame me?? A tall, responsible, caring, wonderful doctor as the leading male role accompanied by a backdrop of intricate and juicy romantic relationships with accurate depictions of what is like to be on rotations as a student and a resident (which I completely relate to) is just too enticing/alluring!

I can't believe after non-stop watching this soap for a few days I still haven't finished it! I'm dying to find out how it ends! I can't wait to go home this weekend and finish it! I have been looking up all these details about this soap and apparently it did so well they are making a sequel to it! Yay! I'm going to be all over that sequel! I'm excited!

"Hi Galaxy"
I love my new Galaxy S3. There is this feature on it that works like Suri. You can talk to it and it responds. To wake it up you say "Hi Galaxy". My brother was doing it so many times that my mom thought he was talking to a girl named "galaxy". Kinda funny when you think about it.

I do everything on my galaxy now. I haven't even been on my laptop for a week now. I only came on because there were a few things I thought would be easier on a laptop. But if typing was easier on my galaxy, I would have just done it on there! I watch things on it, I obsessively check my email on it, I text, I call people...I don't even know why I even need a laptop anymore...oh yeah, typing things is faster...and I guess it has a bigger screen which is nice...

Did I mention I LOVE my new Galaxy S3?? Oh yeah, I did, at the beginning of this section. Haha. I really LOVE it. I can see why people are all obsessive over their phones can do SO MUCH ON THEM!! SO MUCH!