Friday, June 20, 2014

Murder on my mind

Hello again!

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've  last blogged but knowing me, I've gone longer times without blogging. Haha.

So I've been having a really hard time falling asleep lately. I'll feel really tired around 8pm and try to power through all my drowsiness and do work until 9pm, then I'll try to sleep. Key word here is TRY. Even though I'm super fatigued and I have a headache from being so sleepy and tired, I can't fall asleep. I think it's because my A/C is on and it makes all these noises which make it sound like someone is walking towards me or trying to break into my apartment and get me or something. The A/C is aimed at the blinds so the blinds are constantly making noise. So all these noises make me open my eyes and check to make sure there isn't someone standing right above me with a knife ready to butcher me into a million pieces. Yes, scary right?!?!

So that's one theory of why I can't sleep. Another one is because I'm constantly stressed out over my students. I'm always studying, looking things up, trying to think of things for them to do to improve, prepping for my weekly presentations, etc etc etc. I'm just always doing something to prep for them. It's been rewarding...but also very stressful. Even when I'm trying to sleep I try to think of things to prepare for tomorrow or things I should know, etc etc.

On top of all that, I've been really obsessed with the OJ Simpson case lately. It's been 20 years since the murder and the trial...I realized this happened the same year my brother was born. So I was really young then and I didn't know all the details, but now there is all this CNN hype about it again and it's attracted my interest again. I've done all this research on it and read up on it and it's just CRAZY how the final verdict was NOT GUILTY. Like, REALY?!?!? Not guilty??? So in the beginning, I thought only Nicole was killed but then I come to find that this other waiter guy was killed too. And then I got really curious about the whole thing. And after digging through all the details, it's CRAZY how the evidence was messed up because DNA testing was so new at that time. There was so much tempering with the evidence and questionable findings due to the lack of understanding in forensic science at that time. I think if this case was tried today, he would have FOR SURE been GUILTY. Come on! He totally did it! So I was reading up on how the police re-created the events of the murder. And most likely OJ came with a knife, with the intentions of killing Nicole. So Nicole probably opened the door for him when he knocked. Then immediately he grabbed her by the hair/head and slammed her onto the floor and started to stab her in the face/head furiously with a 15in knife. The police believed this because Nicole's feet were clean so must have meant her feet never touched the ground. So if you aren't already super creeped out from me describing to you how OJ stabbed her repeatedly in the face with a 15in knife, his last insult to her was predicted to be one foot on her back, grabbing her hair and pulling her up, and slicing her neck almost clean. She was almost decapitated. *shivers

So in all this murder maddness, I guess this waiter got somehow got involved, maybe he was trying to help her? And he got viciously murdered too. Wrong place at the WRONG time. Ultimate example.

So I think it's a combo between being scared that someone's walking towards me and going to knife me, stressed out about students and the whole OJ Simpson murder replaying in my head, is causing me to loose sleep. I have the hardest time falling asleep and even when I do fall asleep, I wake up in the middle of the night. Ugh. I'm like a zombie recently trying to stay awake with coffee.

So what's new with you? Something more normal I hope. LoL.

1 comment:

  1. wow...i've never known you to have trouble sleeping. if anything, you have issues with staying awake. i actually notice lately when i'm not at home, i have issues with sleeping too.
    your grisly details about the oj case freaks me out.
