Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

I don't like to read. In fact, I'm not sure why I even picked this "library book" blog layout since I don't even like books. I only read like ~1 book a year and this year, I guess I have chosen: The Hunger Games

I kinda just started reading it because my roommate recommended it to me and told me it was really good, so it first started off kinda slow...reading in between commercials when I was watching TV, but then when the action picked up, I couldn't stop reading it. I went to bed REALLY late last night (which is like 10:30pm for me...) and then I woke up really early (at like 5:30am) to finish reading it as fast as I could because it was so exciting! I was so bummed I couldn't finish it before work this morning I was really looking forward to coming home and finishing it! Down to the last 50 pages, I came home eager to finish this exciting novel! I finally got to the end of the book when I's a TRILOGY?!?!?!?!

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! I HAVE TO READ MORE TO GET TO THE END OF THIS STORY?? I am SO outraged! This is exactly how I felt when Part 1 of The Lord of the Rings movie ended all unexpectedly on me!! And just like The Lord of the Rings, I was ALSO once again, not aware that this was a THREE PART extravaganza!!! Thank goodness Lord of the Rings had dreamy Orlando to keep me entertained throughout the trilogy...

I have this poster on my wall at home...hehehe...look at that dreamy "come hither look" *sighs*

The rest of the series seems like it will trail off and talk about less exciting things like all that lovey dovey stuff between Katniss, Gale, and Peeta...*rolls eyes* please someone just read book 2 and 3 and just summarize it to me. I can't bare to sit through more agonizing details of her love life...I just want to know how things end!!

Nevertheless, I'm still excited about the movie!! I'll probably go watch it this weekend movie tickets here in AZ is only $6.50!! What a steal...for $6.50 in Cali, you might be able to buy a piece of popcorn that fell on the floor AFTER someone stepped on it. 

...that write TRILOGIES.

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