Tuesday, July 24, 2012

San Jose Trip

I just came back from a weekend long wedding in San Jose. No kidding, it started at 1:00pm on Saturday and lasted until 11:30pm on Sunday.

I drove up on Saturday at 4am with an old college friend that I hadn't seen in probably 5 years. It was very nice to catch up with him on that 5.5hr car ride up there. We explored so many details about each other because we had the time!

We arrived in San Jose around 11am and tried to check into our hotel but it was before our allowed check in time so we ended up lounging around in the lobby and changing out clothes in the restroom in the lobby. Then my friend realized he forgot his dress shoes so we had to rush to Macy's for emergency dress shoes. At that moment I realized we forgot to buy a wedding card so we also got it at Macy's. I never new they sold cards...but you learn something new every day...That was also the moment I realized I needed an ATM so I can pull out some cash to give as gift to the bride and groom. We couldn't find one so we just pulled out the cash in our pockets and gave that much. Luckily it was still a good amount of money. Haha.

We arrived at the bride's house just in time for the party to start. The whole tea ceremony lasted 2 hours. There was no A/C, there were about 70 people jammed into one room and it was about 100 degress that day. You do the math. I was sweating out of my dress. Uncomfortable does not even begin to describe what it was like for those 2 hours. After it ended, the whole party moved to the groom's house and we repeated the whole ceremony again. But luckily, there was A/C there and it was a bigger house. So it wasn't too bad. And at the end, there was a ton of food and we just all mingled and had fun.

I ended up going back to the hotel that night and vegging out. I was so tired from all the traveling and commotion that day. My friend and I explored a nearby micro pocket of Chinese stores/restaurants which included a Ranch 99 that night. But we retired early and went to sleep.

Next morning, we had to drive around half an hour to get to ceremony located at Nestledown. You should look it up because it was the most gorgeous wedding venue I have ever seen! Think Muir Woods with a beautiful lake and nice decorations!

After the ceremony there was some down time so my friend and I went to eat lunch at this wings place that we recommended to us by some other guests at the ceremony. It was ok. Nothing too special. Not my cup my tea I guess...

We had to kill a few hours before the reception so we hung out at a boba place (which was also not that great). We realized we could have watched a movie or something but eh...

The reception was held at a Chinese restaurant and it was fantastic! The dining hall was round and gave this grandeur dome type of feel and the decor was amazing! There was a photo booth and you can take photos with the bride/groom to be printed that taken home! Everything looked like it cost an arm and a leg.

And the whole time I've been blogging, I haven't even begin to describe how gorgeous the bride looked the whole time!! She's a beauty pageant winner if that puts anything in perspective for you. Saturday was all traditional Vietnamese outfits but she looked amazing the whole day. She changed twice and both outfits were lovely! Sunday she wore her wedding dress and went for a fairy tale look which was so dreamy and perfect! She redid her whole look at night and went for a classy old hollywood type glamour and boy did she pull it off! Near the end of the night she pulled off an elegant evening look.

I was super impressed with how the whole wedding turned out! It was a fantastic wedding adventure!!

Glad I was able to be apart of it even though it ended around 11:30pm and we had to drive back down to LA immediately. Driving the whole night, we got back to LA around 4:30am. I slept for about 1.5hrs and went to work.

Given this, that's why I think it's totally understandable that I passed out immediately after I got off work yesterday around 6pm and slept until this morning at 6am. I slept for 12 hours straight!

I feel back to normal now :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

RIP babies

My brother called me in the middle of my workday yesterday right during my lunch break to tell me that all 9 of the babies bunnies that were just born about a week ago didn't make it. There was one that didn't make it the same night it was born and then a couple would die off each day until they were all gone. I was sad to hear the news but when my brother started vividly describing to me how they "squealed one last time before they stopped breathing and went stiff" I almost broke down and cried at work. I can't believe the whole litter died. Such a tragedy! And here I was already planning on who to give the babies too.

My brother told me the mother stopped feeding them. I couldn't help to think it might be our fault. I think maybe they caught our scent because my brother touches them every day. Or maybe we didn't feed the mother enough so she didn't have proper nutrition to feed the babies. So many reasons running through my head. I don't know what it could be, but I can't help to think we were to blame for this.

RIP baby bunnies.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Blogging Instead of Working...

I can't tell you how many times I've seen articles claiming that Optometrist have a high paying/low stress job: 

but honestly.....I'm pretty broke AND I'm pretty much stressed ALL the time. I can only hope this article can apply to me later on in my life.......

Going to Phoenix!
It's set in stone! I just booked my plane tickets to Phoenix in October for the Academy meeting! Only $60 on Southwest! Score! I'm coming back Arizona!! I am in luck one of my HS friends just moved to Phoenix so I can crash at his place for the whole time I'm there! Which is nice because hotels at that time are over $200/night!! 

I had my "D'oh!" moment this morning when I grabbed my car keys and my purse and rushed out the door. Just as I was closing my LOCKED door, I realized I left my key inside my apartment. Yes..that means I locked myself out of my own apartment. Smart...So naturally I tried to wake my apartment manager up at 7am. But of course, she was sleeping...of course...who else is up at 7am besides me??

The Loner again: 
Story of my life: get invited to get-to-together's, but doesn't go...yes, it's happened to me again. I got invited to happy hour with my colleagues and I didn't go. Where was I? At work....by myself...and I wonder why people don't invite me to get-together's anymore. *sighs*

Waste of time: 
I don't know if I'm just procrastinating or if I'm really into trashy TV lately but I've been spending the last few days watching all these ridiculous reality shows like "The Bachelorette", "The Choice", "Extreme make over", "E!", and "The Morning After". Makes no sense why I watch it. I always just roll my eyes at everything those people say and do. I guess it boosts my self esteem because I'm not making a fool of myself on national TV like those people are. Hahaha. 

In love with it: 
I'm absolutely obsessed with Katy Perry's "Wide Awake". I like the lyrics, the beat and the melody of the song. Comes together so nicely! And then I had the make the mistake of watching her music video which just killed the song for me. It's so weird and I don't understand it. I guess I'm just a hater of things I don't understand. In the meantime, I'll just listen to the song and try to forget about the video. 

It happened so fast:
Just as fast as they were born...they left...3 more baby bunnies died. Down to 5 babies. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Jump Starting the Week

Weekend update: 

My pet bunnies had babies this weekend! She gave birth to NINE but sadly one of them died. I think it froze in the middle of the night. But that's ok, EIGHT of them are still doing well! They all look really freaky all shriveled up and frail looking. Their eyes are still closed and they look like little alien fetuses. But I'm sure after a few weeks they are going to be the CUTEST fluff balls EVER!!

They look like this now....

In a few weeks they will morph into this cutie pie...

Eventful Monday Morning: 

I had a few encounters today that are actually worth mentioning...

1. Someone called me a Nazi today
2. Someone threatened me today...it wasn't a joke, he was really threatening me, I honestly thought he was going to hit me or hurt me, I thought this was how my "30 y.o. +/-5 yrs" prediction of my life span was gonna go down
3. Someone asked me out...before you think it's flattering...let me add he was over 50 years old
4. Someone excessively complimented me with flattering comments about my looks and personality
5. Someone thought I was a goddess and saved their life
6. I had to lie twice today that I was already dating someone and I'm in a very happy relationship
7. I was asked, in a very suspicious manner, what time I get off of work everyday
8. Someone said the only reason he was not "hitting" on me is because he didn't want to be a pedophile...Do I Look Under 18 to ANYONE???
9. A coworker caught me mumbling to the computer/myself about how stupid I felt because I didn't know how to use a mouse and accidentally blew up a picture 200x's its actual size and didn't now how to shrink it back
10. I actually caught something important and might be saving someone's life!
11. Then immediately after that, I missed something important and felt stupid again.
12. I got bitten by a mosquito again on my calf!! Can't even wear pants it's so itchy!! Let me reiterate how much disdain I have for these filthy blood sucking creatures that contribute absolutely nothing to this world and therefore should be exterminated!!! That last sentence barely makes sense and is probably a fragment but that's how much I have mosquitoes! They even make me write poorly!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Trip to Fullerton

The Morning Errand

I'm the only resident that still has not received my badge yet! So I made an appointment to go to human resources this morning and tried to get my picture taken so I can get my badge. Before I went, I was reassured by a HR personnel that I am in the system and finally can be issued a badge. But low and behold...I wake up and leave SUPER EARLY to get there at 7am to get my picture taken and get my badge....and they tell me that I am NOT in the system. GREAT. So I sit there for an hour hoping they can fix it, but they can't. So now I have to go back tomorrow at 7am AGAIN and try this ALL over again...GREAT.

Orientation at Fullerton

Today was my all day orientation held at Fullerton for my residency.

This is a side bar for my LA traffic rant again: Driving from West LA to Fullerton at 8am (during morning rush hour) was CRAZY!! The traffic was MASSIVE! I'm really lucky I made it on time (orientation started at 9:30). I expected CRAZY traffic....and my expectations were met...THANK YOU LA!

Anyway, so I arrive and I'm immediately awestruck by the AMAZING campus! Everything was incredibly NEW and VERY NICE! The conference room was INCREDIBLE! They had THREE projectors going, one for each wall so no matter where you were sitting, you could see the powerpoint presentation. The tour of the campus made me really regret not applying to this school, not to mention, it really highlighted how POOR BERKELEY is! I couldn't believe all the facilities that were available to the students there! The library was HUGE and had amazingly comfortable chairs, 20x's more books than Berkeley had, and there was even a magazine section!! There is a BBQ, Foosball table, really nice couches, awesome vending machines, and much much more in the student lounge. Not to mention, it also looked really clean and actually a place I want to eat lunch in! They had their own student store with phenomenal prices for equipment! There was even a POST OFFICE available on campus! My jaw is dropping in amazement, I don't know about yours...

In addition, they kept us happy by excessively feeding us the whole day. As soon as I arrived there were Belgium waffles, yogurt, and fruit for breakfast. Then shortly we transitioned into a catered lunch which was really good Vietnamese food. Then they brought out little snacks like teddy grams and peanut butter M&M's. And to top it off...they served us Marie Calendar Pies! I got a nice healthy slice of Cherry Pie. YUM YUM YUM.

At the end of the day I even got issued a badge for this school so I can have access to their facilities if I ever decided to brave LA traffic and drive over there again! I'm sold, this school ROCKS my SOCKS!

Unexpected Discovery

It came to my attention that I live almost on the backside of the FOX studios. Yup...where FOX films their shows...whatever they are...I'm very close to all that action! Maybe I'll run into some celebrities one of these days!! Sadly the only FOX shows I can think of off the top of my head are The Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad...which I highly doubt I'll run into any of those folks since they are all fictional cartoon characters! So first, I must investigate some shows that FOX is filming for right now so I can actually recognize a celebrity if I am lucky to run into one. Hahaha....

Ok...must sleep early now since I'm going to have to go to HR AGAIN early tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Bad Melon

The Bad Melon

As a watermelon lover, it was very disappointing to cut open, what looks like a BEAUTIFUL watermelon on the outside and find this on the inside....

The sad part is I actually tried scrapping out the bad parts in the middle and eating the outer edges. The outer edges were more firm than the core, but still kinda borderline mushy and disgusting. 

I swear this just ruined watermelons for me......

LA traffic 

After moving to LA for about 2-3 weeks now I've experienced plenty of the infamous "LA traffic" and I've got to say, THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE WHICH MEANS WAY TOO MANY CARS IN LA!!!

I understand the usual morning traffic and afternoon traffic which people are going to work and getting off work, respectively. But why is there is there traffic at 6am?!?! Why is there traffic at 2pm on a SATURDAY?!?! Why is there traffic at 4pm on a SUNDAY?!?!? I swear LA traffic is just out to get me!!! Doesn't matter where I go, what time I try to go or even which freeway lane I'm in, I'm ALWAYS STUCK IN TRAFFIC HERE!!! 

This is what I basically morph into when I'm stuck in LA traffic: 

And I haven't even started ranting about how CRAZY people drive up here! 
1) There is ZERO tolerance for slowing down to read a street sign because I JUST MOVED HERE AND I'M LOST! (So of course I get honked at)
2) There is ZERO tolerance for waiting for a safe moment to make an unprotected left turn because I'M NOT COMFORTABLE MAKING AN UNPROTECTED LEFT TURN ON A LIGHT THAT JUST TURNED RED! (So of course I get honked at 5 times and the death stare from an elderly lady that looks like Paula Deen behind me)
3) Obviously no one pays attention to blinkers here because NO ONE LETS ME CUT INTO THEIR LANE EVEN THOUGH I DESPERATELY NEED TO EXIT THE FREEWAY! (So of course I end up exiting 3 exits later and taking the extremely long detour)
4) Obviously it's my fault when someone tries to cut in front of me and I have to immediately break and the person behind me is tailing me too close and ALMOST HITS ME! (So of course it's appropriate to honk at me and then flip me off) 
5) It appears that it is common practice to tail the person in front of you as closely as possible to try to make it across the intersection during a yellow light turning red JUST TO BLOCK THE INTERSECTION SO I CAN'T GO THROUGH EVEN THOUGH IT'S A GREEN LIGHT FOR ME! (So of course the light turns red and I have to wait through another set of lights before I get to go)

I predict this is only the beginning of my LA traffic rants.....only the beginning.....*sobs*