The Bad Melon
As a watermelon lover, it was very disappointing to cut open, what looks like a BEAUTIFUL watermelon on the outside and find this on the inside....
The sad part is I actually tried scrapping out the bad parts in the middle and eating the outer edges. The outer edges were more firm than the core, but still kinda borderline mushy and disgusting.
I swear this just ruined watermelons for me......
LA traffic
After moving to LA for about 2-3 weeks now I've experienced plenty of the infamous "LA traffic" and I've got to say, THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE WHICH MEANS WAY TOO MANY CARS IN LA!!!
I understand the usual morning traffic and afternoon traffic which people are going to work and getting off work, respectively. But why is there is there traffic at 6am?!?! Why is there traffic at 2pm on a SATURDAY?!?! Why is there traffic at 4pm on a SUNDAY?!?!? I swear LA traffic is just out to get me!!! Doesn't matter where I go, what time I try to go or even which freeway lane I'm in, I'm ALWAYS STUCK IN TRAFFIC HERE!!!
This is what I basically morph into when I'm stuck in LA traffic:
And I haven't even started ranting about how CRAZY people drive up here!
1) There is ZERO tolerance for slowing down to read a street sign because I JUST MOVED HERE AND I'M LOST! (So of course I get honked at)
2) There is ZERO tolerance for waiting for a safe moment to make an unprotected left turn because I'M NOT COMFORTABLE MAKING AN UNPROTECTED LEFT TURN ON A LIGHT THAT JUST TURNED RED! (So of course I get honked at 5 times and the death stare from an elderly lady that looks like Paula Deen behind me)
3) Obviously no one pays attention to blinkers here because NO ONE LETS ME CUT INTO THEIR LANE EVEN THOUGH I DESPERATELY NEED TO EXIT THE FREEWAY! (So of course I end up exiting 3 exits later and taking the extremely long detour)
4) Obviously it's my fault when someone tries to cut in front of me and I have to immediately break and the person behind me is tailing me too close and ALMOST HITS ME! (So of course it's appropriate to honk at me and then flip me off)
5) It appears that it is common practice to tail the person in front of you as closely as possible to try to make it across the intersection during a yellow light turning red JUST TO BLOCK THE INTERSECTION SO I CAN'T GO THROUGH EVEN THOUGH IT'S A GREEN LIGHT FOR ME! (So of course the light turns red and I have to wait through another set of lights before I get to go)
I predict this is only the beginning of my LA traffic rants.....only the beginning.....*sobs*
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