Saturday, July 21, 2012

RIP babies

My brother called me in the middle of my workday yesterday right during my lunch break to tell me that all 9 of the babies bunnies that were just born about a week ago didn't make it. There was one that didn't make it the same night it was born and then a couple would die off each day until they were all gone. I was sad to hear the news but when my brother started vividly describing to me how they "squealed one last time before they stopped breathing and went stiff" I almost broke down and cried at work. I can't believe the whole litter died. Such a tragedy! And here I was already planning on who to give the babies too.

My brother told me the mother stopped feeding them. I couldn't help to think it might be our fault. I think maybe they caught our scent because my brother touches them every day. Or maybe we didn't feed the mother enough so she didn't have proper nutrition to feed the babies. So many reasons running through my head. I don't know what it could be, but I can't help to think we were to blame for this.

RIP baby bunnies.

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