Thursday, September 27, 2012

Music - Mood Altering

Music - Mood Altering
I thought there were tons of studies that prove that music helps elevate your mood and de-stress you...I've been listening to Pandora for 1 week straight now and all I've gotten out of it is a cloud of somber. Why is that?!? Well, to be honest, I think all the songs Pandora keeps playing are SUPER slow, sad songs. This is what I get for setting my channel on Christina Perri!

I don't know if I just take lyrics too seriously or I just pay way more attention than I should to them, but I get really emotionally immersed into meaningful lyrics and when they are accompanied by a slow melody...BAM! I'm suddenly so sad! I get so lost in my thoughts and I'm expecting some sort of magical epiphany to happen to me and all my problems to be solved. Is this just me or does this happen to other people too?? Am I just "special"??

Recent extroversion? 
I'm not sure if I just made up "extroversion" but I'm aiming for the root word "extrovert" just in case there's any confusion here. I've always seen myself as a shy introvert. But when I tell most people this, they seem to disagree with me. Everyone thinks I'm some sort of talkative extrovert. talkative I see, but I'm definitely not an extrovert! And just to be perfectly clear, I'm only talkative with people I am comfortable/familiar with. I'm actually very shy in large, unfamiliar groups.

So this brings to my next point, I've recently developed this need to "hang out" with people. Is that weird? Yes, for me it is! I've always been that girl that ducks past the social groups and rushes home to gorge on food while watching a TV show on my computer. Whose this new girl I've suddenly become where I'm actually arranging social gatherings with my co-residents and always yearning to be "hanging out" with someone. Seems weird to me that I dread going back to my studio and spending a quiet evening by myself when I used to LOVE doing that. What's going on with me??

The Dating Game
"Does he like me?"
"Why are they not contacting me?"
"Should I contact him?"
"Is he interested?"
"Is he seeing other people?"
"Am I being too clingy?"
"Am I being too forward?"
"Should I play it cool?"
"Do I seem disinterested now?"

**This is just a SMALL glimpse into my thoughts as I engage in "The Dating Game"...yes, it's insane isn't it? I think it's crazy too but I can't turn it off! I'm almost at a point where I feel like my life would be so much happier if I just never got married and went about my merry way by myself!

I can't believe there are people out there that like to "play the field" and date a ton of people. It's just utterly exhausting to search for a mate! I don't know how anyone manages to find their significant other in this world without stressing themselves into developing a stomach ulcer!

I feel AWFUL when I turn down guys that actually express interest in me...maybe I am too nice and care too much??

I feel EVEN WORSE when I'm waiting for a romantic feelings to be reciprocated!! Arg, this whole thing is just too frustrating! My feelings are way too dependent on seemingly insignificant salutations like "hey" from some guy I'm mildly interested in.

Ok...enough ranting, back to listening to sad sad sad pandora music.

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