Conversation with my 50ish year old Caucasian male patient:
Patient: what ethnicity are you?
Me: I'm Chinese.
Patient: I thought you were Filipino.
Me: Really?? I look Filipino?
Patient: Well, I don't know, I can't tell. I was just wondering because I'm thinking about going to the Philippines and getting me a 20 year old wife. But I want a real pretty one, so I'm trying to figure out if I should go to China, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan, or whatever. *looks me up and down* You guys all look good to me.
Me: O_O eh...good luck with that.
Bad Day:
I had the worse morning today!
I always have my phone with in the mornings when I wake up. I like to play games on it and listen to Pandora. I'm super messy and I have bundles of clothes on my bathroom counter, so I made the mistake of setting my phone on top of my piles of clothes and it slips right into my toilet!! Now it's water damaged and who knows if it's still functioning properly!!
I had to go attend a meeting this morning in which the speaker brought us coffee. I opened the container and it was too full so it spilled all over the table, then the floor and all over the front of my WHITE COAT. When it dried it really looked like yellow water marks like I pee'd on myself!!
It was sorta like this picture but WAY BIGGER STAIN
Halfway through the morning, I got a really bad stomach ache. I just wanted to curl up in my coffee stained white coat and die.
East Coast:
I received a text yesterday from one of my friends. It was a text that she had forwarded from someone on the East Coast. The text said "My house is flooded and I'm waiting for someone to come help rescue us! I'm praying for someone to come save me and my family. Don't call me because I'm trying to save battery on my cell phone! I really hope we pull through! Please pray for us!"
I was a little confused as to why my friend forwarded me this text. My first guess was that she wanted me to pray for her friend. Then I realized that also doesn't make sense because I'm not religious and I wouldn't pray. So I texted my friend back and said "I'm sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts go out to her and her family. Hope they are safe!"
Then my friend texted back and told me the text was from a mutual friend of ours. Someone we BOTH know! I was shocked to find out who it was! At that point, I cared a whole LOT more! Funny how you can be so apathetic when you receive news about people you don't know. And when you find out it involves someone you do know, how different you can react and how much more it can affect you.
Again, my thoughts (which are synonymous to my prayers) are with those who have fallen victim to Hurricane Sandy.
A Simple Life:
I just finished crying my eyeballs out by watching "A Simple Life". Makes me feel really bad about how I get so impatient with my elderly patients. I feel bad I don't spend more time with my grandma's either. And then there are my aging relatives I don't spend enough time with. Come to think of it, I don't really spend that much time with my parents either. I'm such a horrible person.