Worst Date Ever:
Last night I survived one of the WORST dates I've ever been on. It was really close but I almost didn't make it. This is not your typical romantic comedy "worst date ever" type of things, where it will turn into a funny story to tell afterwards.....no.....this was different. It was a more subtle, intangible "worst date ever" type of deals. If you ask me, "what exactly was wrong with it?" I wouldn't be able to give you just one straight answer. I mean, I think it's easier to ask me "what went well with the date?" because I could just answer, "nothing". There wasn't just ONE thing that happened that made the date horrible...but it was more of a collection of unhealthy vibes that just made the whole experience very uncomfortable. I wanted out within the first few minuets. It was so bad that I even decided to PAY for myself just because I didn't want to owe this guy anything or feel obligated to spend more time with him than I need to! Yes...that was how bad it was. Let's start from the beginning shall we?
I got there early. Sat in the front of the restaurant waiting, looking over the menu. Then he shows up. First impression: he smells funny...what is that? -_-
We exchange a few greetings. Very awkward. He seemed very short with me. Did he not want to be there? No...he is just socially awkward. Didn't know how to greet someone with a warm welcome? Yes, that's more like it. A brief, "Hi" and then awkward stare at something off in the distance. .I have no idea what he was looking at. He seemed very aloof and out of it.
Ok, not off to a great start. I try a little small talk. I found out he biked there. Weird smell...a little out of breathe, biked there...ok, I'm probably smelling his sweat. Gross. A little word of advice to you guys out there, DON'T BIKE to your DATES! You SWEAT! Unless your sweat smells like Ralph Lauren's Polo Cologne (it comes in a nice blue bottle, very expensive), then you smell BAD. BAD is NOT good. Always minus brownie points here.
I always like to ask if the guy has been to the restaurant before. He says he has. I then proceed to ask if he recommends anything on the menu. He points to one thing on the menu and commands me "get that, it's good". I am quiet. I think he sensed his short/commanding tone was a little off puting and he quickly follows with an insincere "or not...whatever, everything is good here."
I hate him already.
I don't even want to go into detail about how the rest of the night unraveled because it's just horrific to recall.
But I can summarize, that it lasted less than an hour, we complained excessively about our respective mothers, I found out nothing that I wanted to know about this guy and I'm pretty sure he felt the same way about me, since our conversation was just a long rant about life. Near the end, he wanted to watch a movie, I politely declined. Ran for my life to my car!
Here is when you know a date is going down the dumps. He knows more about my mother and her neurotic behavior than he does about me.
I really hope I didn't look too judgmental the whole time because I tend to talk with my hands and my facial expressions and if my hands/facial expressions reflected my thoughts, then boy, did I look SUPER rude and uncomfortable.
I think this date actually made me REGRESS in terms of dating life. I want that hour of my life back! I actually didn't even enjoy the food...was it because of the awful company? I have no idea! I can't unravel the details and I really have no inclination to at all!
This is what happens when you follow the advice of a guy friend. "Yes, this guy looks legit, yes, meet up with him". That's the last time I'm going to fall for that! I had to learn the hard way but no more guy advice for my dating life!
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