Monday, April 9, 2012

Five Days and Counting...


The stomach ache slowly creeps up on me.......

FRIDAY (Day 2)
Not feeling on the top of my game at work and feeling even worse once I got home...started to loose my appetite.....

A full day of staying my hotel room and being miserable (I can spare you the GI distress details). I began to realize that I might have the stomach flu...or food poisoning!!
How did I get this horrible stomach flu and/or food poisoning?!?! What could have possibly been the culprit of my miserable weekend?!?!

SUNDAY (Day 4)
Of course, conveniently, this is the SAME weekend that my friend's Aunt/Uncle/cute little cousin, comes to visit Arizona! So despite my agonizing stomach pains, I dragged my butt out of bed (after lying there for 1.5 days, exhausted from my persistent stomach ache and feeling of nausea), got dressed and drove myself 45 mins away from my comfy hotel room to meet up with them for dinner. The whole time I'm thinking a short quiet dinner with the THREE of them, but little did I know what I a treat I was in for.

Ending up, it was at my friend's uncle's restaurant, and it turned into a whole extended family reunion dinner (plus me). Preoccupied with resisting the urge to hurl on everyone, I didn't feel very awkward up until I was being introduced to everyone:

Friend's Aunt (FA): Oh, and this is Amiee, she's *****'s friend.
Random Family Member (RFM): Whose *****?
FA: You know...***** is #####'s son.
RFM: Who is #####?
FA: You know @@@@@ right?
RFM: Oh yes!
FA: Well, ##### is @@@@@'s son, which means ***** is @@@@@'s grandson.
RFM: Oh! Right!
FA: And this is @@@@@'s grandson, *****'s friend, Amiee.
Amiee: *awkward smile*
RFM: Girlfriend?
FA: No, just friend.

So, a couple of things made this situation slightly awkward for me.
1) I'm emphasized as a "friend" even though I show up to a family reunion dinner.
2) I am meeting my friend's relatives BEFORE my friend even met them.
3) No one seems to even know how my friend is, but yet I'm meeting up with my friend's family and dining with them.
4) I'm sick and trying really hard not to throw up on people I just met

I always thought my friend was quiet but that was BEFORE I met my friend's family! No ONE talks! I tried to talk to some of my friend's relatives and some responses I got where:

RFM: Yes. *continues eating in silence*
RFM: No. *continues eating in silence*
RFM: Maybe *continues eating in silence*
RFM: Oh, wow, you speak Cantonese? O_O *continues eating in silence*

Got home kinda late from dinner......STILL SICK :(

MONDAY (Day 5)
I have to drive to Tucson VA for clinic today. That's over an HOUR away from Casa Grande. Still feeling sucky from my stomach ache, I got there half an hour late because I couldn't find the optometry office. Luckily the resident and the other opto student didn't really care. Despite feeling utterly sick and not wanting to socialize, I ended up hitting it off with the other opto student pretty well. He's really nice and friendly. We ended up eating lunch together and grabbing a bit to eat after clinic. I really wanted to try Mi Niditos which was featured on Man v. Food but NOOOOO, it's CLOSED on Monday/Tuesdays (which is ridiculous!!) so we had to settle for another random Mexican place and hope it doesn't further agitate my tummy. Who says you can't make friends while you are resisting the urge to hurl at them??

After feeling like I completely wasted a quarter of my tank driving down to Tucson because I didn't get to try Mi Niditos, I found this:


I'm gonna go lie down and die now........5 days of decreased appetite, nausea and stomach cramps is NO FUN

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