Friday, April 13, 2012

Random thoughts....and Rants!

Random Thoughts: 

1) Tumbleweeds: There really are tumbleweeds in the desert! I saw TWO the other day. They were just rolling across a busy street. And I thought they didn't really exist...

2) Imminent Danger: I had a really long chat with a cop today and he told me that that hotel I'm living in is really dangerous:

Cop: You better be careful there, a lot of things happen there.
Me: O_O Like what?
Cop: Drug busts, prostitution, you name it.
Me: Has anyone died here?
Cop: um...not recently....but there have been murders there in the past
Me: @_@

I'm scared! I didn't share this but the weekend my roommate was gone, someone knocked on my door really late at night (around 9:30ish). Since I was alone and I didn't know anyone here in Arizona, I thought it was fishy and didn't open the door! Good thing too, or else I might have been a victim of some horrible crime!

So if you don't hear from me in a while...I could be addicted to drugs, involved in sex trafficking, or dead. 

3) The Big Bang Theory: This show is TOO addicting!!! It's engulfed my LIFE!

4)  I'm old: As in the words of my classmate JKL, "I feel like an old maid".

5) Theme'd blog:  I think since I'm totally a dweller and a complainer, I should theme this blog as a ranting blog...I'll just start ranting about the most random things that bother me or that I think might be cool. Rant has such a negative connotation, but (which is a very reliable source) defines a "rant" as: "To speak aggressively about something, or to take your own tangent about a subject and talk for a long time in a passionate manner." So as long as I speak aggressively and talk for a LONG TIME about something (which I can totally do), I think I can rant on about things. It'll be like Jimmy Falon's "Thank You" notes...which I can probably start right now.......


1) People that rant: What is with all these youtube videos that get a million hits because some crazy person decided to rant on about some pointless topic?? I don't get it, a random person records themselves going crazy about something totally dumb and it goes viral!! REALLY?!?! America, have we lost sight of what GOOD entertainment is?? 

2) Reality Shows: I haven't owned a TV for 8 years now, so now that I finally have one again, it's unbelievable to me what crap they have on TV nowadays. Jersey Shore, Khloe and Lamar, Big Rich Texas, etc, etc,...OH MY GOSH...this is why the rest of the world thinks Americans are stupid and we are all a BIG FAT JOKE!! Your problems on your little reality TV shows are NOT real problems!! I can literally feel my brain turning into MUSH as I'm watching this junk on TV. Just like junk food is bad for your body, this junk TV is bad for my brain. They are all so talentless and yet they are the ones that are rich and unfair this cruel world is...

3) Being Late with Friends: One of my BIGGEST pet peeves are people that show up LATE to things. When we say "Let's meet at 7", that means "SEVEN OCLOCK!!" That does NOT mean 7:15 because you missed the bus, or 7:30 because you miss judged how long it would take to walk over here, or 7:45 because you got left late and got stuck in traffic or 8:00 because things ran over in the office. NO!!!!! If you had HALF the decent common courtesy to TRY to honor our meeting time, you would have aimed to show up EARLY and avoided ALL THESE LAME EXCUSES!!! I don't know why people think it's ok to show up LATE to a doctor's appointment. I don't like standing around waiting for YOU because I have important things to do too!!

4) Being Late for Doctor's Appt's: I don't know why people think it's "ok" to show up late to doctor's appointments just because they are "always" running behind. Do you not know that there are OTHER people scheduled before AND after you? That even if you show up 5 mins late that means the next person after you has 5 mins LESS of their appointment time?? In fact, doctor's are probably always behind because of people like YOU, who show up LATE and then spend 20 mins telling a long winded story that is disguised as something that pertains to your medical history but then turns out to be a story about your beloved pet!! 

5) Not next to me:  Why do people sit next to you on public transportation when there is the entire REST of the bus/tram that is completely OPEN?? This also applies to gym equipment, seats in the theater, parking spots, etc, etc...the list goes on! Do these people just like to invade other people's "private bubble space"?? I have an invisible bubble around me, NO ONE should cross my bubble!!

6) Credit card numbers: Why do we have to enter our credit card numbers on our keypad when we call these credit card companies just to have to ask us the number AGAIN when the operator picks up the phone?!?!?! Isn't the point of entering in our credit card number on the key pad to "better assist us" and "expedite" our call??

7) Picky eater:  Stop poking, looking, smelling, prying, jabbing, making weird faces at it!! Grow up already!! JUST EAT IT!!

8) Food packages: I don't understand why some food packages are IMPOSSIBLE to open! There is clearly a "peel here" or "open here" label designated right at the spot that is suppose to be the easiest to open but that's a LIE!!! That whole package is NEVER meant to be opened because the whole thing is solidly cemented together. You have to bust out your sharpest knife and jab at it twenty times before it bursts in your face and all the contents of the package is scattered all over your floor and you sit there contemplating whether or not your floor is clean enough to eat off of!!

Wow, that's a lot of ranting...It's way past my bedtime, I'll continue this another time....I guess a lot of things do bother me...hahaha...I hope I still come off as a nice person....hahaha

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