Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy 1 Month!

1 Month 

I've been so busy I hadn't even noticed that it's been a month since I've started work. Yesterday one of the students made cookies for us to celebrate that we have survived 1 month at work! That was really sweet of her! One of my colleague's posted a picture of our names posted on the wall right outside our office to wish each of us a happy 1 month. Everyone made it such a big deal and a happy milestone but honestly, I'm just thinking, "omg, it's only been ONE month?? Feels like it's been a year already!" Seriously, between reading articles, studying for the law exam, mismanaging patients (kidding...or so I hope), and sleeping/eating, I hadn't really had much time to ponder about the passing of time. But since I've been keeping busy, time seems like it's flying by really fast. I don't really feel like I've learned much since I've started the program but that's how I noticed things always working out. I never feel like I learn anything until I work somewhere else  and through my interactions with other doctors, I start to realize I've subconsciously picked up a few things here and there that has helped me make better clinical judgments from time to time.  Hopefully this is the case here too.

3 More Dead

3 more baby bunnies have died in our hands. The mother bunny abandoned the babies and refused to feed them after the 3 baby bunnies were born so my brother and I decided to try to feed them ourselves. They all either choked (because they apparently don't have a gag reflex) or they suffocated because the milk went into their nose (which is seriously located right up to their mouth, so it's practically almost the same hole!) All THREE babies died in my hands!! That's horrible!! That's up to 12 dead baby bunnies now. I'm starting to think we are not qualified to raise bunnies anymore. I can't believe how fragile these baby bunnies are! This is ridiculous! There is seriously nothing we can do to help them survive! We just have to leave them alone and HOPE and PRAY with good faith that their mother will take care of them and feed them so they can make it past their fragile baby lives!

Too many temptations

The residency coordinator is really good about keeping us happy and well fed, she always brings in baked goods and buys us snacks...which is a blessing and a curse at the same time! Blessing because who doesn't want a tray of cookies sitting there waiting for someone to snack on them or some brownies to chew on while your pondering a case, or a nice piece of cake to sweeten up a long day's work? No one, that's the answer. But this is also a curse because although my taste buds are kept happy and there is always "love in my tummy" there it's not very pleasing for my "diet and weight loss" plan. I wish I could just resist those sweet treats! The horror of my binge eating tendencies! They have found my kryptonite! I guess it's not meant to be...I am not meant to fit back into my skinny jeans. The weight I gained is here to stay! 

I'm afraid this is going to be me one day.......

I don't know what is sadder...being too fat to reach for a pie, or being so fat and still wanting to eat a pie or my grammatically incorrect use of "sadder"? 

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