Thursday, August 9, 2012

Simple Happy Moments

Simple Happy Moments 

My parents and my brother came to visit me yesterday. They bought take out and brought it over to my apartment to eat with me. I have minimal furniture, not even a dining table or enough chairs for everyone to sit in, so we just ended up eating on the floor. It was just the four of us, sitting around each other in a circle with a large pile of food in the middle. There was no TV distracting us or acting as background noise, like how we normally eat at home. It was just the simple life, and I've got to say it was one of the happiest dinner moments I've ever had with my family. We actually talked to each other and paid attention to each other, as oppose to when we are at home and everyone's eyes are plastered on the TV. It made me really cherish that moment of us being together and just enjoying each other's company. I don't know how many of these moments I can actually recount having. Throughout most of my life growing up, my parents rarely ate together with me. They always had to work so hard and were almost never home. And when they were home, it would just be either my mom or my dad, but not both. And nowadays, since my  mom lost her job and she's home all the time now, there are more moments where they are both home but rarely would we ever eat dinner just the four of us without the TV on as a distraction.

You know sometimes when you watch TV, and there are always those shows that show a really poor family sitting around together eating and they seem so happy and then they show a really rich family and most of the time they are never together, they do their own stuff, and they seem so unhappy and yelling at each other most of the time....I didn't really buy into that because I always thought money eliminates problems, money shouldn't cause problems, but after last night, I'm beginning to buy into it. I'm not saying we are rich are anything, but compared to when we first immigrated to the states, we are more well off. We can at least afford a few luxuries here and there now (like ordering off the combo meal menu instead of the dollar menu at a fast food place or buying the softer name brand toilet paper). It's nice that we can enjoy a better life and not worry about if we can afford to eat for our next meal, but I guess I wouldn't mind reverting back to the simple life once in a while so I can be reminded of what's really important in life and why life is so beautiful.

Needles, poke, bleed.....

Seminar was at Sepulveda VA again yesterday and part of the seminar training yesterday was to practice injections...on EACH OTHER. So of course, the attending doctor shows us the procedure once, and then we are partnered up, gather all our materials, and we poke each other! My partner poked me first, everything was fine until she withdrew the needle and I started to bleed profusely. I wouldn't stop bleeding and there was a river of blood everywhere. Even the attending said I was bleeding a lot. Good thing it wasn't too difficult to stop my bleeding, but boy was it scary watching myself bleed a river. Ok, river might be exaggerating a little bit, maybe a small stream. 

I injected the needle into my partner and found the vein. I withdrew the needle and she barely bled. (Lucky!). Then we went into other rooms and watched other residents practice the procedure on each other. One of the other resident was so scared she was shaking as she approached the vein with the needle. She shook so hard that I was getting nervous for the person she was injecting the needle into. I don't know how you can find a vein shaking that much. She proceeded to puncture the skin but because she was shaking so much, she didn't puncture through to the vein and ended up just poking the other person a little bit. She had to try again and poke him a second time. Poor guy. 

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