Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Day before Halloween!


I think I'm going to start writing this blog directed more towards YOU, my friend. I'm sure no one else reads it so let's just stop pretending. Haha. 

After being MIA for days and days, I'm glad to finally hear from you! I'm sorry to bring you bad news today about not being able to visit. When you feel better we'll plan for something, I promise! I have credit to use, so I'll for sure make it up there soon! 

I might be a hypochondriac but I think what I have right now is really real. I can't breath half the time and now I've developed this cough. My other Medical friend warned me about this, that if I start developing a cough, it's a bad sign. Eeeek! I have to get this looked at soon, hope it's not what I predict it is!  

I can't believe tomorrow is Halloween! It really sneaked up on me! After Halloween it's a fast segway into Thanksgiving and then Christmas. In fact, I've already seen a ton of stores selling Christmas things already! It's crazy how early they want to start making a profit! 
I think my tolerance for people has completely dwindled to nothing. Every time I go to work now, I'm always annoyed with people! Sometimes it's the jokes they make, sometimes it's how much they talk, sometimes it's  how completely incapable they are of following directions and sometimes it's even at how many problems I find that I need to address about their health. 

I get so happy when I see one normal person with no complaints, it's almost like Christmas came early for me! My happiness is equivalent to giving a little kid candy, but not just any candy, like a giant piece of their favorite candy, wrapped up in more pieces of another favorite piece of candy!! Yes, it's like that. 

Since tomorrow is Halloween, my clinic is dressing up in 80's theme and asked me a join...which I think I'll pass, even though I have enough hair...and I do have like a few fluorescent colored things, but that's ok, I'd rather look like a normal adult. If I were to dress up, I'd rather dress up as something that I want to a Giant Gummy Bear or a Macaron!! But aside from dressing up, I guess we are going to have a potluck! CHA CHING! Yes! Sign me up! I'm totally into food! I'm signed up to make guacamole but I think I'm going to just make some stir fried noodles instead (sticking to my Asian roots). Just like all other potluck dishes I've made, it's probably going to look and taste terrible and no one is going to eat it. But that's ok...because the point is, I tried. I'm just going to keep telling myself that. 

So backing up a little bit, let's talk about Seattle. I just got back on Monday. It was ok, not much to explore. I think just one day of exploration was enough to cover everything I wanted to see. I got to go up the Space Needle and check out the water front. And then there's Pike's Farmer's Market and University of Washington. I didn't really do much else, oh...I walked around Chinatown. There's so much fresh seafood there, made me really want to buy some and cook it while I was there! Too bad I didn't have a kitchen there! 

Yesterday I got really pumped and decided to catch up with my yelp reviews. I haven't written a review in probably a year? And I decided to go back and look through all the places that I've checked in at and try to write a review for every single place. I thought I had done 100 but then when I checked I only wrote like 16 or something. Pathetic, I know. I'd like to think I'm just writing more quality reviews and that's why it took me long. So why did I suddenly get the urge to play catch up and write yelp reviews? I think I'm just dodging real work I have to do. I have a lot of errands to run and papers to write but I'm procrastinating. I've been in such a rut, so lazy all the time, what's going on with me? Gosh, I don't understand, it's like I've run out of gas or there's no more wick for this candle to burn, the light has gone out. I know I have all these things that I need to do and I'm neglecting it. Ugh, I hate it when I'm worried but yet not motivated enough to be productive. That's the worse!! Well, at least my yelp account benefited from this. I thought I was going to lose my yelp elite status because I've been so inactive. 

In addition to yelping, I've been READING. Yes, I wrote it and you read it correctly, READING. Like real books. I just finished that >500page book, Wildwood and now I'm reading this other book "Mr. Penumbra's 24 hour bookstore". I know, sounds like a weird book, almost like a children's book, but it's a legit novel with many many pages. So every night before I go to bed, I try to read a little. As oppose to before, where I'd just hit the pillow and SLEEP. I'm a different person now. 

There's a ton of new episodes of our favorite shows on Hulu! I have been trying to watch them but surprisingly, yelping and reading has taken up a lot of my time! And now, I'm going to add blogging to this as well. These are all activities that allow me to be very lethargic and inactive. Just how I like it 

I hope you got my care package. I sent you a few things, I have already forgot what I sent you but I think they were good things? 

I got this postcard from Seattle I wanted to send you but I didn't get a chance to go to the postoffice, so it'll probably have to be sent from here. Sorry, I know how you like mail sent from THAT location. I tried, I really did. :(

Ok, well, I better get going and start cooking for tomorrow's Potluck. In case I fail, I need more time to restart. Wish me luck! I hope you are doing well. *big hugs*

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