Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Backwards Update

Let's write this blog backwards today. Mix it up a little.

Tuesday (today):
I got a call at 4am today. No...no one died. It was my HK Aunt! She finally responded to us. I guess she has been in China all this time. She just got back yesterday. She was in such a rush to reach us, I could tell. I answered the phone all confused and groggy but when I heard her voice, I was so overjoyed and excited! I yelled out her name in excitement! All she said was "where's your mom?" I was a little offended but at the same time, relieved because I could just hand off the phone to my mom and go back to sleep. But then I realized after I handed the phone over to my mom (who was sleeping right next to me) that she was just going to talk right next to me, so I had to listen to the whole conversation and I couldn't go back to sleep. She finally finished talking...from what felt like an hour of chatting, and I was able to catch some shut eye for a while before I was awaken by my alarm.

At breakfast this morning, my mom told me my HK Aunt had called our house woken up my dad at 3am. Once she found out that my mom was not there, it took her a while to find my cell phone number and she called us at 4am. My mom said my dad was pretty upset she called so early and woke him up. Haha.

My mom and brother left today. They went back home. Everything goes back to normal. I sit alone at my dining room table, in front of the computer. Story of my life here.

Monday (yesterday): 
Woke up like normal. Mom was already up making me breakfast. Brother was sleeping on the couch. It's so nice to have people around. You get used to living by yourself and you don't even realize how lonely you are. I feel so happy to have them around. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, we dined together. Breakfast and lunch is usually prepared by my mom. I know what you are thinking, she can't cook. Well, lucky for her, my dad made a bunch of pre-made meals and she just reheated them. Since my dad made them, it still tastes good reheated :) Dinner was prepared by my brother. He's no dad, but he's certainly better than mom and me. When I got off of work last night, I came home to an apartment filled with delicious smells. My mom and my brother had bought a bunch of seafood and meats, and my brother was cooking away! It was such a feast last night! I was so thankful and overjoyed they were here with me.

After dinner, I volunteered to do the dishes, since I didn't really help cook, it was only fair. We all winded down from the day and watched some TV together. We couldn't decide what to watch so we ended up watching two different things. My mom started watching the Hippocratic Crush 2 and my brother was watching Awkward in the other room. I just floated in between them, trying to soak up as much time with each of them as possible. Then, just like that, the night was over and I knew the next day, they would be gone and I would be alone again.

Sunday (2 days ago):
Sundays are always a drag when I'm at home. It's the day I'm suppose to drive back to AZ and get ready for work the next day. Ugh. It's not even Sunday today and I still have that dreading feeling just thinking about it. But before I drove back that day, I went to go meet up with Danny. It was Danny's idea to meet up for lunch and catch up. Since we didn't get to catch up during his mom's funeral. I met Danny at "Tender Greens". I didn't know there was one in my hometown. I've been to the one in LA (yes, it was on one of my terrible dates). I just remember I wasn't super impressed with the one in LA but I'm willing to give it a try again. So we drove to this area of my hometown that I've never been to before. It was a nice little community and it was very cute! I really liked it! It was almost like a military base or something but it was for commercial use? I have no idea what it is. But you do have to drive past this semi-gated area and there was a really pretty turnabout. Anyways, when I saw Danny, he told me he hasn't been to this area either and we were both glad we discovered this place.

He insisted on paying for lunch since he said my mom and I didn't get to eat the funeral meal. So I just ordered a soup, because I really didn't want him to pay too much for my food. Our lunch lasted 2 hours! We talked about everything! How he was doing, how his dad was doing, how his maternal grandmother was doing, what his plans were in the future, who he's dating, who his sister is dating, etc etc. Then he asked about my family and we got into all the details about that. It looks like he's doing a lot better but I could still see that there is so much pain he's trying to hide. He would tear up when we mentioned his mother or anything related to his mother. I don't blame him. I would do the same if I were in his shoes. So most of the conversation was sad, but there were turning points where I made him laugh or I would go off on tangents about my life (mainly just complaining about things) but somehow he found it very comical. Maybe it's like you said, I have a very animated way of saying things and that's funny to people.

I went into the lunch not knowing what to expect. It was rare that Danny and I would get together on our own accord. We would usually  meet up under the instructions of one of our mom's. And most of the time, it was his mom and would instigate us to meet up. Since his mom is gone, it was just surprising that he would suggest to meet up. Danny mentioned during our lunch, "I know my mom would really like us to stay friends and keep in touch." I think before his mom passed, she probably told Danny to keep in touch with me and not lose me as a friend. My mom mentioned that neither my mom nor Danny's mom has many other friends. They were probably each other's best friends and only friend. So I guess it was Danny's mom's wish not to let our friendship die with her. She's so sweet. She's always been a really sweet lady. Very thoughtful and kind. *sighs* Again, all I can say is poor Danny.

Anyways, so I went into the lunch not knowing what to expect and I left feeling very happy and glad. I'm glad that Danny's doing better and happy I was able to make him laugh and help him take his mind off of painful thoughts. Even if it was only 2 hours, it's better than nothing.

After lunch, I went home, packed up, and drove back to my apartment with my mom. She came with me because she wanted to spend some time with me. My brother joined us later that night, coming from his school (he had to drive 4 hours!). It was nice having them both at my apartment. I really miss having close family time. And seeing Danny just made me realize that I have to really cherish everything I have. I can't take anything for granted because we never know how much time we have with each person. I'm very thankful for every moment I have with my family and friends.

I went to bed with my mom by my side that night. Brother on the couch. I was smiling as I fell asleep.

Saturday (3 days ago):
I don't know why it took me so long to realize this, but Saturdays have turned into "Dad and me" time. We always end up spending Saturdays together now. Running errands, maintaining the car I drive (since so many problems have come up lately) and etc, etc. Don't get me wrong, I love my Dad. I adore and admire him to no end, but it's not the most exciting thing hanging out with me. He doesn't really talk so it's hard to start a conversation with him, let along, continue the conversation. Most of the bonds we share is making fun of my mom. But since she's not there, we don't have that common bond between us. Most of the day is spent in silence as we drive from one place to another to run our errands. I will occasionally crack a joke here and there where he will laugh, but that's basically it. I realized that when I'm with my Dad I revert back to a 6 year old. I talk all cutesy and I make jokes like I'm 6. No wonder my parents still treat me like a kid. But despite all of this, I still really enjoy my time with my Dad. I get tired of being quiet and just looking out the window as he drives, but at least we are with each other. At least we have some time together. I'll take what I can get.

I got bored at home that day and browsed through our blue rays/DVDs. I found many movies I wasn't even aware we owned. One of which was "The Wanted". Did you ever hear about this movie or watch it? It's with James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie. They are like assassins and there's a complex story line. Anyways, long story short, it was pretty good, I liked it. I also ended up watching King Kong, which was a 3 hour extravaganza. But I also liked it. It was cinematic magic. The acting was ok. But the scenes were amazing! I swear I started to watch King Kong a million times but never finished it because it was SO long. I actually finished it this time. The monkey dies!!!!!!! I must have known but forgotten that! It was soooo sad!! I almost cried!! ALMOST. I'm not as emotional when I'm not on my birth control. And I wasn't on my birth control that weekend.

Friday (4 days ago):
Pretty uneventful. Just drove home. And then, in a blink of an eye, 4 days pasted and a bunch of stuff happened. How does time fly by so quickly?

Oh yeah, question to you: 
Did you get the gift yet? And FYI, I sent you another package yesterday, be on the look out for that too! :)


  1. 1. When I read Danny, I totally forgot who you were referring to. You really should use his real name...his pseudonym is not much different from his real name so the name Danny actually makes it confusing to remember who you're referring to.
    2. Isn't it bad and ineffective if you skip days while you're on birth control?

  2. By the way-I didn't receive anything yet so I haven't read your email. Hopefully it comes soon before I fall off the face of the earth again starting Thursday for a week/few days.
