Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekend Updates

Happy Monday!

So I went home this weekend. I tried not to do very much but I ended up doing some stuff. Ugh.

Durig the day, a coworker that just recently gave birth, maybe 2 weeks ago, brought her baby in to the clinic for us to see. He is SOOO ADORABLE and cute!!!!!!!! OMG, I am in LOVE with her baby!!! It makes me really want a baby, RIGHT NOW!

During lunch my mom called me to tell me that we will be hotpot-ing that night. So I was really excited because I love hotpots! When I get home, no cars were home. That's a bad sign. Means everyone's not home. And when everyone's not home, it means that there's no food prepared. I am very impatient with the amount of time it takes to prepare food, especially when I'm hungry. When I'm hungry, I want to eat NOW, not in 10 mins, but NOW.

So I'm already preparing myself for the worse because there are no cars in the driveway. But surprisingly, my mom opened the door for me, so at least she's home. Hope is not lost, she might have been preparing the food! Which is what happened, she prepared all the hotpot stuff but my brother wasn't home. My brother was in charge of the broth, so even though all the stuff was prepared, we still couldn't eat. After sitting around, HUNGRY, for 15mins, I decided to just boil some water and start eating. So that's what I did, I started the hotpot with just plain water. The food all came out very bland. Well, what do you expect, it's just boiled in water. But at least I got some food. My brother didn't come back until 30mins after i started the hotpot. Thank goodness I didn't wait for him. When he came back he said he was just going to boil water too, he wasn't going to make a broth, so good thing we didn't wait.

I've been meaning to tell my parents for a while now about how my BF wants to have dinner with them. I'm so embarrassed by the idea, not sure why. But that morning, there were 4 of us in the car, my mom, dad, brother and me, so I thought that was a good chance to bring it up. So keep in mind, I already told my brother about this...

*mom and dad chatting with each other*
*interrupt them talking*
Me: So...MLK Jr weekend is coming up
Mom: so?
Me: it's a three day weekend
Mom: ok, are you coming home?
Me: most likely
Mom: ok
*mom and dad starts a conversation with each other again*
Me: So...B**** is coming home that weekend too
Mom: Ok
Brother: Spit it out already
Me: So we are going to be here on the same weekend
Me: *ahem* So he wants to have dinner with you guys
Mom: Wait, what?? So he wants to treat us out for dinner?
Me: NO! I didn't say he was treating, I just said he wants to eat dinner with us, our family.
Mom: What day?
Me: Some day that weekend.
Mom: I work Saturday, your dad works Sunday and Monday.
Me: Oh right...
Mom: Maybe your dad can take Sunday off....maybe he should take the whole week off and we can go to palm springs!
Me: No, we are meeting B****.
Mom: Oh...right. Ok, your dad will take Sunday off and we'll eat together.

*later that day

Mom: So did you tell your grandma?
Grandma: Tell me what?
Me: OMG, no! Don't say anything!
Mom: B**** wants to have dinner with us
Grandma: REALLY?!?! WHEN?
Mom: Jan 19th
Grandma: What day is that?
Mom: Sunday
Grandma: What day is today?
Mom: The 5th
Grandma: Let me look at the calendar, it's in 2 weeks! He wants to treat us out to dinner?? That's so nice!
Me: NO! No one said they are going to treat us out to dinner, we are having dinner together.
Grandma: Well, that's GREAT! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I need to find a really nice outfit to wear!
Me: You don't need to wear a fancy outfit, it's just dinner.
Grandma: So we are going to meet his parents? Are you guys getting married?
Me: OMG! We are not meeting his parents! He's just having dinner with us! And he's not TREATING!
Grandma: I have to find something nice to wear! You should have told me sooner so I can be happy for you! So there's more time for me to be happy for you! I'm so happy!

I don't know why it bothers me so much when my mom and grandma go crazy happy over meeting B****. They are so in love with him and they don't even know him. Sometimes I feel like they love him more than they love me. And that's not right. I've told my BF about this before and he said "that's weird, normally, should you be happy your family likes the person you are dating?" Yeah, I mean, I guess I should be happy they like him so much, but I'm mad they seem to like him unconditionally and from what I can tell, MORE than me!

I also think I don't want him to meet my family because then there's going to be expectations. And then there's all this pressure. I already feel like there's all this pressure and he hasn't even met them yet. I have a bad feeling about this. Anyways...I guess I should stop worrying about, what will happen, will happen.

I babysat my dad's coworker's daughter the whole day on Saturday. She's a bundle of energy!! While she was with us, we brought her over to my cousin's place to visit my new baby cousin nephew. He's so cute! So precious! Makes me want to have a baby, RIGHT NOW! That's what I texted my BF too. My text to him "WE NEED TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE A BABY RIGHT NOW!!!" His response was not running away screaming, as I thought he would, he just said "haha, are you sure?". I'm not sure what to make out of that response.

So I "partied" all day long with my dad's coworker's daughter. She's really cute too. My mom always tells me that she is a spinning image of me when I was younger. Well...personality wise. I'm sure she's way prettier than me when I was younger.

She really liked to dance and just hang out in my room. It got kinda tiring since she didn't let me go into the livingroom or kitchen or anywhere else in the house. Everytime I went anywhere, she just tried to pull me back into my room and dance with me. And she seemed to never get tired. She was constantly jumping around and bouncing all over the walls but she never looked like she got tired or stopped. Five year olds are amazing balls of energy.

By the time she went home, which was like 10pm, I was exhausted. When I told my BF, he said "if you have a child, it's going to be like that ALL the time and they don't 'go home' to give you a break". I guess that's true. But I think I'm still baby crazy right now.

Finally got some time to relax but I had to get packing to go back to work. Ugh. Weekends are so exhausting. Before I got back, John (the new doctor), called me and told me to swing by his apartment, he made me dinner. He's SO NICE! I feel really bad. He treats me so nicely and I don't feel like I deserve any of his kindness. I haven't done anything to return his kindness, more like he doesn't accept any of my attempts to repay him. He made a tasty salad, rice, eggplant and his "fake" meat. If you didn't tell me, I would have thought it was regular meat. It's really good!

During dinner we talked about unfortunate things happening to the people around us. He brought up how he recieved a call ealier that day from his neighbor back in Orange County. They have known each other for a LONG time. She called him crying. Her daughter, whose super healthy, exercises like 2 hours each day, recently was rushed to the ER because she had abdominal pain. It turns out she has end stage pancreatic cancer and has less than 2 weeks left to live. Shocking right? Completely asymptomatic until the acute abdominal pain. Made me think of you and Danny's mom again.

He also mentioned he had another friend that was also diagnosed with end stage liver cancer. Both of these people went through a really stressful/bad divorce. We were trying to link if stress has something to do with the development of cancer. It's probably just a coincidence but there maybe a corelation. When you are stressed, your body's immune system decreases and this sets up for potential infection and could make you suspectable to cancer cells. It doesn't take very much for cancer cells to take over and start replicating like crazy. Well, it could be something, it could be nothing.

I think people are still in Holiday mode. I'm getting so many no-shows. Which is GREAT for me. I feel like my schedule is so much more managable when there are no-shows :)

Hope you are doing well :)

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