Monday, November 25, 2013

Bad News

Very chilly. The wind pierces through your skin and deep into your bones.

My mom called me at lunch time today. As usual, since I'm busy charting and finishing up patient exams, I answer with an annoyed tone. I carry this annoyed tone up until she told me that her best friend pasted away today. Yes, the one with advanced lung cancer. I can't even imagine how her family feels right now. That's really terrible news, but at the same time, I was kind of relieved. Is it very bad of me to think it's for the better that she passed away? I just know she was enduring so much pain and I bet it wasn't easy for the family members to see her dwindle away either. At least she's in a better place and no longer in pain. I still feel sad to hear of this news.

R.I.P yi yi.

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