Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

I was crazy busy this morning, being twice overbooked, and everyone that came in seemed to have some dire problem.

My worst patient this morning wasn't someone that was deaf or something that had a ton of health issues, it was someone that was angry and not afraid to confront me about it.

Apparently, there were a slue of issues that this patient was very upset about since the last time I had examined him. And he had been reporting to the front desk staff about it but no one told me about it. Now he finally made his way back into the clinic and he's upset because none of his complaints have been addressed and he's been reportedly complaining about them. And now, after not being in the know of things, I get the blunt end of the anger.

Fair enough, I get it, I would be upset too if I called and showed up multiple times but no one responded or seemed to care about my concerns. But the way that he chewed me out today I just felt like throwing myself into a hole and crying it all out. But no, I was so busy that I just had to trek on and pretend like it was nothing. Water over the bridge now.

My report on his exam today was like a small essay or a short novel. It detailed what we talked about and how much he chewed me out. I'm so tired of typing, I think I'll give myself a break tonight from typing out a long blog entry. I'm sorry, I think I'll have to end my entry here. I'll write something longer tomorrow when my fingers aren't so fatigued.

Hope you are doing well! I miss you!

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