Sunday, November 3, 2013

Errands and Hiking!

Yesterday just flew by because it wasn't until I was nearly falling asleep last night did I realize that I didn't even blog yesterday. I actually did have a lot of errands to run yesterday and surprisingly, it took most of the day. I think it's mainly because I was too stubborn to drive so I ended up walking everywhere which took a bit longer than expected. 

Here was my "to do" list yesterday: 
  • go to the post office
  • to to the bank
  • turn in rent (yes, I actually forgot to turn in rent on the 1st!!)
  • drop off prescription to be filled
  • pick up prescription
  • attempt to make chicken tortilla soup 
Seems like a short list but going from one place to the other took a while. By the time I got home, I was exhausted and I still had to make soup. So this is my second attempt at making chicken tortilla soup and at the rate I'm going, it seems like I'm making vegetable soup more than chicken tortilla. Darn, how could these recipes lead me astray? :( 

Oh, somewhere in between all this, I took a big fat nap, I didn't really keep track but I'm pretty sure it lasted like 3-4hours. By the time I woke up, it was pretty much time to go to bed again. So, as I've been doing so religiously each night before bed, I picked up my book and started to read. Shortly after reading, I felt sleepy and I tucked myself into bed. That's when I realized I forgot to blog. 

So that leads us nicely into the events that have taken place today. 

My day started at 4:30am. Yes, you read that correctly. Actually, to be technical, I woke up at 2:30am. So I've developed this thing where if I know I have to wake up early, I naturally become a lighter sleeper and wake up a few hours BEFORE I'm suppose to wake up. So today, I was suppose to get up at 4:30am, so I ended up waking up at 2:30am, realized it was WAY TOO EARLY and went back to sleep. Then, I woke up at 4:15...which I tried again to go back to sleep, only to have very short periods of REM sleep where I just dreamed about waking up late and missing my alarm. These were like 1-2mins of dreaming/REM sleep before I would be awaken from my dream thinking I was late and jumping out of bed, only to realize I had like 9 more minuets of sleep. It was really really annoying. But finally, what seemed like 3 days of 1-2 dreams, it was finally 4:30am! ALARM goes off and I'm REALLY suppose to wake up! Great!

So why am I waking up so early? Just because I want to get an early start to breakfast. Haha, jk. That does seem like something I would do though doesn't it? I was meeting up with some co-workers to go hiking. We were suppose to meet at 6am. Can you believe it? There are people that like to wake up earlier than me! Anyhow...I dragged myself out of bed, ate breakfast, and got ready. It was still pitch black outside, you could have told me it was 11pm at night and I would have believed you. It was also cold...let me rephrase that, it was a little chilly. 

So I'm totally relying on this little post it with directions that I looked up from yesterday. Why am I so ghetto? Because I don't get internet on my phone here because it's in the middle of nowhere. Why won't I use the GPS on in my car? Because I get really poor GPS signal out here too. There, I'm on my own with my ghetto post it note directions, which would have been fine...if it wasn't so DARK and I could see street signs!! Let me remind you that being in the middle of nowhere means you are not important enough to have the city put up street lights where you are driving. So what does that mean? When you are driving at 5:30am, you are pretty much driving in pitch black with only your headlights to guide you. 

So I was doing ok, until I couldn't manage to find this one street. I got a little lost and I decided to go on the freeway (which is totally deviating from the post it note directions I wrote down) and try my luck there. I remembered looking on the map of how to get there, but I didn't really pay attention to details and street names so I was pretty much navigating off my terrible memory. Somehow, I managed to find the place. I don't know how I did it, but it must have been 95% luck and 5% skill. 

So ending up only 3 other people came. Two of them were my co-workers and one was the husband of one of the workers. Everyone was warning me that one of the co-workers was in really good shape and it's a really steep climb and I might not be able to keep up so they were going to try to slow down for me. I think for some reason, someone got the impression that I'm really out of shape so that's why they said that to me. Which is kind of true, I am sorta out of shape, I haven't run/gone to the gym in >2months or may be even more...??

So we started off on the trail and through the flat parts, everyone was keep up pretty well. Then when it got steep (and YES, it was pretty steep, I'm gonna lie) everyone started to slow down. I was still keeping good pace. It got to the point that they told me to go ahead because they were going so slow. So I did, I just walked off ahead. I got all the way to the top and I was huffing and puffing a little and I might have broken a sweat but because everyone else took so long to get up to the top, I was dried off and looking normal. Everyone thought I was so amazing because I didn't even look like I broke a sweat and I seemed so in shape but really, I think anyone could do this. Maybe it's not that I'm in shape, it's more like they are just not in shape. I bet if my boyfriend did this hike with me, he'd be running laps around me while I huffed and puffed up the hill. Either that or he'd be pushing me up the hill to help me climb up a little faster. I guess in comparison to him, I always feel like I'm super out of shape.

So because of all the breaks that everyone took, it took like 3 hours to hike this trail. I looked online, most people took 1 hour. O_O I'm going to lean on the side that they are just a little out of shape and less that I'm in shape. 

I took a big fat shower after I got home, feels good to be clean. I was super motivated to go shopping and try out a new restaurant (by myself, of course), but after my shower, I just got so lazy, and I ended up just sitting around at home and now I'm blogging. Wow, it's not even 2pm yet. CRAZY. Since I woke up so early, it feels like it should be at least 5 or 6 pm by now! 

Oh, it's also a little confusing/interesting this morning because I realized that it is daylight savings time in CA!!! But NOT in AZ!!! So when I woke up at 4:30, I guess it was really 3:30 in CA, and some of my clocks changed and some didn't, so I was very confused of what time it was. I think it was my computer that had CA time (and observed this day light savings thing) and my phone didn't (because it's SMART and it knows we are in AZ) so when I was comparing my phone and computer time this morning, I was REALLY confused. I mean, it was EARLY and I wasn't using all my brain cells since it was so early. But now I got everything straightened out :)

I think this daylight savings thing is going to be nice when I drive home because if I leave here at 5pm, it takes about 2.5-3hrs so I should get home by 7:30-8pm ish but since there is daylight savings, it's only 6:30-7pm ish! Nice! But when I drive back from CA to AZ, it's going to suck. Oh well, can't have it all. 

I got this new chai tea from Albertson's and it smells REALLY good when I brew it, but it only tastes ok. You know those types of food that you smell and you have this high expectation that it should taste as amazing as it smells? Well, this tea is like that. It smells like it should taste like heaven and then you drink it and all your grandeur expectations get squashed because your taste buds bring you back to reality that it's just a regular tea. Maybe I should add sugar or milk to it. Usually chai tea that I order at restaurants or cafe's taste really sweet and good, and it comes out a lighter color which makes me think they put milk in it. 

So I've been mulling over a comment that my boyfriend made the last time that I saw him. He said "Your hair is out of control." So naturally, that made me a little self-conscious. "Out of control"?? I know I have a lot of hair now but "out of control"? I ignored him at first because he's also so good about criticizing me, but then after looking at some pictures I've been taking lately, I kinda of agree.......OUCH. So I've been looking into getting a haircut. But like before, I want to donate my hair so it's going to be a drastic haircut. Very short. Based on my track record, I've only been cutting my hair every 2 years or so and it's only when I go back to China or when I go up to SF (where I found this pretty good hair salon). But I'm neither going back to China nor SF any time soon. I would have in Nov to visit a friend (you) but that trip got cancelled because of my recent infections/sickness (*cough cough), so now I'm in a bind. What to do...what to do...I've been combing Yelp for good reviews of hair dressers and there are just so many! Who do I listen to and who should I trust?? I don't know!! I'm so confused. Then I found all these reviews about people getting the Ombre look or the Brazilian blow out. I started to look up what all this stuff meant and I'm very fascinated/intrigued. I wish I had more money to throw at my hair so I can make it look as nice as a celebrity's hair when they walk down the red carpet...but I don't have much money or time on my hands. Have you read about the details of what they do during a Brazilian blow out?? It sounds ridiculously tedious and time consuming, not to mention, EXPENSIVE. I must say that the results do look amazing! The don't know if I'd be willing to try that. I feel like once upon a time, I did that to my hair accidentally and I looked very malnutritioned. So, I think I might pass. Anyways, long story short, I need a haircut and I'm trying to find a hair dresser! Until then, I'm going to have to live with an untamed mane! 

Ok, I'm feeling a little nappy now, maybe I'll try to catch some ZzZ's like yesterday again :)

Hope your day is going well! 

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