I've got to say I've been pretty addicted to these unsweetened, unsulfered dried pineapples from Trader Joes. And knowing where I live, it's not like I can easily access Trader Joe's so I've been making trips back home to get some every time. They are SOO GOOD! I haven't ever tried them because they look very unappetizing but I actually decided to try them one day and OMG, looks are decieving! They are really good! You should try them! I highly recommend them. They smell really good too! That's half of the taste! :)
So you know how sometimes when girls are being stupid, guys thinks it's really cute and they just think the girl is dorky? Well, it's such a double standard because when guys are being stupid, girls think it's such a turn off. Well, maybe I should say "girls" like I'm speaking for the entire population here and making this huge generalization, but I am inclinded to believe that MOST girls thinks that guys that are stupid is not attractive. But it's funny how I feel like most of the time guys like girls that are really stupid. Well, not like stupid stupid, but you know the dorky, ditzy, kinda bimbo stupid. Maybe it's because of evoluation or how our society has evolved. There's always shows about this, where guys are intimidated by smart women and how smart women are always alone because they intimidate guys so much that no one will ask them out so they end up being alone. What a silly society that we live in where smart women and dumb men are ostracized. But I guess this isn't the only thing that separates men and women and the only double standard we have, so I probably should just stop here and not open that can of worms.
You might wonder why I started blogging about this...good question! It's because I just finished seeing this patient that is kinda slow and not super smart and the whole time I'm examining him I'm thinking about how unattractive being he's acting. Of course, I'm sure he's unaware of it, because to him, he's probably just being himself. But as I rant off about how unattractive this is, he has a wedding ring on, so SOME girl out there thinks he's attractive in some way. So maybe all this ranting just applies to me and me only.
I know I talked about my wake up call and trying to eat less (which is prob) not going to work and maybe working out more so I can actually lose some weight. But as I'm blogging right now I'm stuffing my face with food. I started this blog off talking about how delicious the dried pineapple is! Well, the reason I talked about that is because I'm actually eating it right now. GOOD stuff!
My BF pointed out that if I want to lose weight I'll probably have to try EVEN harder now because my metabolism has prob slowed WAY down. That's prob why it's so easy for me to gain weight here. Ugh! Blast my food/digestive problems! There's got to be something neurologically wrong with me! I've got this massive appetite all the time, that's got to be some neurological issue where my appetite surpressant factors are turned off in my brain or something. I just eat until it hurts and that's definitely not right.
My friend in Hawaii bought a house! He's inviting me over to go visit. I'm trying to look up flights to Hawaii but they are all pretty expensive. I want to go during summer so I can avoid the terrible heat here but then again, when I think about it, I don't know if it's that great to go to Hawaii during summer. Isn't it super hot and humid there too? And then there's going to be all the kids that go with their parents for summer vacation...you know how that is. Maybe I should go in May before it gets hot and before the summer vacations start?
are you really going to hawaii...is byron going with you? 'cuz if you need a friend to keep you company, i'm free :)