Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Poor Kurtis has been fumigated, spot washed with lysol wipes and regular water, his fur hasn't been the same since :( I'm so sad. He's not as soft as he was before. *sighs. My BF suggested that I wet him and then blow dry him so maybe his fur will soften again, but I don't know if I want to do anything else to him, poor baby :(

Yea, I'm hoping to get together with Danny and his sister next time Danny's back. Or maybe when I go up to visit you, I can visit Danny too :)

I went to bed at 7pm last night. Can you believe that? And I woke up at 6am, so I slept for like 11 hours and I'm STILL tired. This is CRAZY! I think it's because I'm sleeping on a very uncomfortable couch. It's seriously pretty uncomfortable. Maybe I should just sleep on ground. Eh...on second thought, maybe the couch sounds better. I can't wait until all this craziness is over! I want to just go back to sleeping on a nice bed and not worrying about bugs! I called this guy that cleans carpets and he said it would cost me like $80 to clean my carpets. Ugh. I already owe like $150 for this bed bug treatment and now I'm going to have to cough up another $80 for carpet cleaning. Oh well, "you gotta do, what you gotta do." I think that's the quote? hmm..

So you know how my BF only called me after 9pm because he's on the family plan and he doesn't want to run up his minuets so he calls me when it's free mins? Well, they recently upgraded their plan and now they have unlimited mins and texting. So he can call me whenever to talk! I went to sleep at 7pm last night, so we didn't talk, I missed his call, but he still called me at 9pm. LoL. I guess it's hard to kill old habits.

I'm really starting to worry about my weight gain now. At first I felt like I have come to terms with it but now I'm starting to not fit my pants and my belly buldges out of my I'm very concerned. I'd say I'd eat less but that's not going to happen. I want to say I'll exercise more, but there's no 24 hour fitness here and I refuse to pay for 2 gym memberships when I'm still so poor. And my life style as of recent has been terrible. Like last night, I went to bed immediately right after I stuffed myself silly with food. You are never suppose to go to bed immediately after eating BIG meals and every night, I eat big meals. Believe me. I keep having these nightmares that I'm going to be like 300lbs. Aiya. I say this as I'm eating a big fat piece of orea cake right now LoL.

I'm afraid I really don't have much to update today because I've been just largely sleeping and eating lately. LoL. I really don't do much beyond that. Oh! I can tell you about how I ended up eating so much last night. So I was talking to John yesterday before work ended and I was just saying how it's really hard for me to eat in my apartment now because I'm so afraid of accidently ingesting poison. So he gave me his key to his apartment and said to go eat at his place. So knowing me and how I can't resist food, I took his key. It felt so wrong. I felt like I was breaking into his apartment and stealing all his food. But he cooks REALLY good food! I was totally WAY over indulging! His fridge was FULL of delicious food! I was so full I could barely walk by the end. I think it was because I was so full that when I got home, I couldn't move or do anything so I sat down on the couch and just fell asleep. I sound like a LAZY FAT person. *rolls eyes* LoL. Have you seen pusheen on FB? I feel like pusheen.

Yeah, this guy. This is totally my expectation vs reality. LOL.

I always think I'm going to eat healthy and exercise a lot and then in reality, it doesn't happen.

Oh man, I think I have a headache too. I don't think I've drink enough water lately. Ugh.

So in my spare time, I've been scrolling through pictures of Baby Henry. I think I'm obsessed with him. Or just babies in general. But he's so cute! Yea, I want my own baby and I want my own baby NOW!

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